Continuity of care for NDIS Participants: overcoming disruptions together

Apr 05, 2024

Continuity of care for every step of your NDIS Journey

Young male NDIS participant in wheel chair wearing yellow shirt smiling - helps continuity of care

Uninterrupted support for unmatched progress and improved outcomes for NDIS Participants

We  understand the critical impact that disruptions or prolonged wait times can have on NDIS Participants' quality of life and their journey towards independence. We recognise that timely and uninterrupted access to services is essential for maintaining progress and avoiding setbacks. That's why we're deeply committed to enhancing service continuity, ensuring that every Participant can stay on their developmental trajectory.

Bridging the gap: our commitment to you

Our robust capacity for managing both new and ongoing referrals positions us uniquely to mitigate waitlist challenges. In times when another provider faces delays, helpz is ready to step in. We offer immediate engagement and support to bridge any service gaps, ensuring that no Participant is left without the care they need.

Our comprehensive approach spans all disciplines in Allied Health and Behaviour Support. We prioritise initiating supports promptly, regardless of waitlists or discipline, focusing always on you, the Participant. For those facing NDIS funding gaps or requiring urgent assistance, our team is adept at providing interim support, ensuring your continuity of care remains uninterrupted.

Navigating seasonal challenges together

School holidays and the winter months can bring their own set of challenges for NDIS service continuity. Planned and unplanned leave can disrupt the regular support rhythm. We specialise in bridging that continuity gap, ensuring that every NDIS Participant receives the support they need, when they need it. We will even work with your existing care providers to provide support during care interruptions and can fast track NDIS Participants through wait list delays with our capacity for new NDIS referrals.

Adapting to your needs: flexibility in service delivery

At helpz, we understand that there may be times when an NDIS Participant is unable to attend sessions due to illness or other circumstances. Our commitment to continuous care means adapting our approach to ensure that your support, planning, and goal strategies can continue, uninterrupted, even when face-to-face sessions aren't feasible.

Carer-to-clinician sessions

During periods when a Participant is unwell, we offer the option for carers to meet with clinicians on their behalf. This approach allows us to:

  • Maintain momentum towards the NDIS Participant's goals and strategies.
  • Adjust care plans in real-time, ensuring they remain aligned with the NDIS Participant's current needs and circumstances.
  • Provide carers with guidance, resources, and support, empowering them to effectively assist the participant during their recovery.

Leveraging technology for uninterrupted support

Recognising the challenges of in-person support during times of illness or when mobility is restricted, helpz incorporates technology services as a core component of our care model. We can provide NDIS participants with:

  • Virtual consultations: Engage in tele health sessions with our allied health professionals and behaviour therapists, ensuring continuity of care from the comfort of your home.
  • Flexible scheduling: Arrange sessions at times that work best for you, accommodating changes in routine or care needs.
  • Accessible resources: Gain access to digital resources and tools recommended by your allied health clinician and NDIS provider, supporting your progress and learning outside of sessions.

Ensuring seamless care for NDIS Participants

Whether transitioning temporarily to carer-to-clinician sessions or utilising telehealth options, our goal remains the same: to ensure you continue to receive high-quality, uninterrupted care tailored to your needs. Our team is committed to flexibility and innovation in our service delivery, ensuring that every participant can continue their journey towards independence and well-being, regardless of the challenges that may arise.

Connect with us: enhance your service continuity

Whether you’re a Support Coordinator, partner provider, carer or a Participant looking to enhance your continuity of support, helpz is here to assist. Discover more about our continuity of support engagement model and how we can help you navigate through challenges and maintain your progress. Contact us today and take the next step in securing uninterrupted care and support through all seasons.

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As we celebrate World Bipolar Day 2024, we want to not only raise awareness about bipolar disorder but also the support required for those living with this condition. Bipolar disorder, with its complex interplay of emotional highs and lows, demands a nuanced understanding and approach to care that extends beyond conventional medical treatment. This year, we aim to highlight the transdisciplinary support structure—a holistic network of allied health professionals—that is crucial in empowering individuals with bipolar disorder to lead full, enriching lives. Understanding the multifaceted nature of bipolar disorder is the first step in acknowledging that managing it goes beyond medication and traditional therapy. The journey toward wellness for those affected involves a collaborative, comprehensive approach that incorporates the expertise of various allied health disciplines. From psychologists and occupational therapists to dietitians and music therapists , each therapy contributes to the support network that addresses the physical, emotional, and social aspects of living with bipolar disorder. Today, our focus is on highlighting the pathways through which transdisciplinary care can make a tangible difference. It’s about building a bridge between individuals living with bipolar disorder and the life that lies beyond the challenges of their condition. Today, we stand together to advocate for a support system that not only understands the complexity of bipolar disorder but also champions the possibility of a fulfilling life despite it. Understanding Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition marked by significant mood swings, including periods of depression and episodes of mania or hypomania. The impact of these mood swings can be profound, affecting various aspects of an individual's life, from personal relationships to professional commitments. Recognising the diverse presentations of bipolar disorder, which can include Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymic Disorder, stresses the necessity for a nuanced approach to diagnosis and treatment. The Role of Allied Health Allied health professionals play a critical role in providing a holistic approach to care for individuals with bipolar disorder. The inclusion of a wide range of therapies ensures that individuals receive care that addresses both their mental and physical health needs. This includes: Counselling and Psychology : Essential for mental health support, helping individuals understand and manage their condition. Occupational Therapy : Focuses on improving daily living and working skills to foster independence and enhance quality of life. Speech Therapy : Supports those with communication challenges, which can sometimes occur as a side effect of medication or as part of the disorder itself. Social Work : Provides assistance with accessing community resources, navigating the healthcare system, and supporting social and emotional well-being. Behaviour Support: Specialises in developing strategies to manage challenging behaviours that may arise due to mood swings, contributing to improved personal and social interactions. Dietetics: Offers nutritional advice to manage the effects of medication and the disorder on body weight and overall health. Music Therapy : Utilises music as a therapeutic tool to improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance emotional expression, which can be particularly beneficial during depressive or manic episodes. Physiotherapy : Aids in addressing the physical discomforts that may arise from prolonged periods of inactivity or hyperactivity associated with bipolar disorder, promoting physical well-being and pain relief. Interdisciplinary Collaboration The collaboration among allied health professionals, psychiatrists, general practitioners, and support groups is pivotal for delivering comprehensive care to those with bipolar disorder. This cooperative approach ensures that care plans are well-rounded, tailored, and adaptable, catering to the evolving needs of individuals. Recognising World Bipolar Day is an opportunity to highlight the comprehensive care needed to support those with bipolar disorder effectively. By incorporating a range of allied health professionals, we can offer a more nuanced and supportive care framework. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that individuals living with bipolar disorder receive the support they need to manage both their mental and physical health challenges. References and Further Reading Black Dog Institute : Offers comprehensive resources on bipolar disorder, emphasizing the importance of holistic care. SANE Australia : A resource for finding support and information on mental health, including services offered by various allied health professionals. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) : Provides guidelines on the management of mood disorders, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary care. Australian Psychological Society (APS) : Information on psychological services and the significance of allied health in mental health care. Occupational Therapy Australia : Offers insights into how occupational therapy contributes to mental health and well-being. Dietitians Australia : Highlights the role of nutrition in managing mental health conditions. Australian Music Therapy Association : Provides information on how music therapy supports mental health. Australian Physiotherapy Association : Details the role of physiotherapy in maintaining physical well-being for individuals with mental health conditions.
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